Click on each question for the answer.
Is there a cost to participate in the program?
OnTrackNY will not deny services to anyone based on inability to pay. For those individuals with health insurance coverage, we will seek reimbursement for some of our clinical services. However, we can work with you and your family to create a payment plan or sliding scale that works for you.
How much contact do participants have with their team?
We tailor each person’s treatment to their needs and preference. Some visits are at our office at 401 New Karner Road in Albany, N.Y., and sometimes we meet with you in the community. How many times a person meets with a member of the team each week or month varies. A participant may come into the office at least once per week and meet with their primary clinician. Other participants may meet with a clinician, attend a group session, and meet with the team psychiatrist, nurse, and/or peer specialist. Many participants meet frequently with the supported education and employment specialist about work and school goals.
How long can participants receive services with OnTrackNY?
We aim to have participants graduate from the program after two years, however, based on individual needs, time in the program may be for more than or less than two years.
Will OnTrackNY help with participants’ alcohol or drug use?
Many people who are in our program are currently using or have used alcohol or other drugs, such as marijuana. We work with participants to create an individualized plan for treatment that may include working on goals to reduce or stop using alcohol and drugs.
Are participants required to be taking medications to be eligible for ACT services?
There is no requirement to take medication. Participants meet with the psychiatrist and the rest of your team to determine whether—and which—medications are right for you. If you do take medications, we help you find the lowest dose of medications to help with symptoms while carefully monitoring any possible side effects.
If participants are receiving OnTrackNY services, can they also be in treatment elsewhere?
Once enrolled in OnTrackNY, participants usually have all of their services provided by our team. Sometimes there are exceptions to this—participants just need to ask.
Does having legal involvement exclude participants from OnTrackNY?
No, legal involvement does not exclude someone from participating in the program.
Can individuals with an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) order participate in OnTrackNY?
Yes they can participate; having an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) order does not exclude anyone from participating in OnTrackNY.
Can family members be involved in OnTrackNY?
Yes. in fact, we strongly encourage family involvement. However, we understand that sometimes young adults do not want or are not ready to have their family members or other supports involved in their treatment. We work with each participant to decide on how much or how little involvement he or she would like from their family.